{Books Review} The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of who You Think You’re Supposed To Be And Embrace Who You Are

(reviewed in 2010 – for an updated review, contact me)
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of who You Think
You’re Supposed To Be And Embrace Who You Are

Author: Brené Brown

Number of Pages: 130

This book talks about “whole-hearted living” and the steps people must take in order to take part in it. It is written by Brené Brown, a shame researcher. Throughout the book, she gives examples through her own experiences as well as her research with her own personal touch. The book is divided into different sections, such as “Exploring the Power of Love, Belonging and Being Enough” and “Courage, Compassion and Connection: The Gifts of Imperfection”. Each of these sections focuses on one topic that one must overcome in order to start living whole-heartedly.I found that this book was very insightful and helped me look into my own life and realize some of the things that I do. It also gave me some ideas of what I could do in order to live whole-heartedly and more happily, one of which would be to have a “happy box”, where each day I would, on a note, write something that made me happy or I am grateful for that day.However, despite the fact that it was merely 130 pages, it took me quite a while to finish. While it was interesting, it was not interesting enough for me to become fully engaged in it and want to continue reading. Perhaps this is because it is not a fiction book and therefore has no plot, but either way, while I found it interesting, it did not interest me enough to want to read it all the time.

I would recommend this book if you are looking to improve your life. However, I would suggest borrowing it from the library instead because although it may be helpful and did give me a bit of insight into my life, it is not exactly the kind of book that you would read over and over again.

Rating: 6/10

~ by Vessi on April 10, 2012.

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